Managed IT Solutions

A Mindful Approach to Technology

Managed IT Services go beyond basic support to provide companies with IT stability, security, and efficiency.

IT Automation

We monitor your systems and security 24/7. We proactively remediate or alert you when problems arise.

Priority Support

Enjoy the benefit of unlimited priority support from our team of experts. Focus on solutions rather than accounting.

Full Network Maintenance

We manage and maintain your entire network including workstations, servers, wifi, internet connection, and more.

Simplified Billing

We offer simple, flat-rate billing to further simplify management of your IT. Forecast your 12 month roadmap and budget.

IT Consulting & Strategy

We build a custom IT roadmap for your business, then meet with you on a regular basis ensure your systems are up to date and secure.

Documentation & Inventory

We document your entire IT inventory, allowing us to quickly remediate issues and to help you manage your technology.